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Buy Iboga online

Buy Iboga online, Ibogaine is a psychedelic drug produced by the iboga plant. In West Africa, followers of the Bwiti religion chew or eat the bark of the plant for spiritual purposes. Guided by a shaman-like figure, participants may seek to communicate with the dead or search for answers about their health or future. The ritual takes place at night, accompanied by drumming, and serves as an important rite of passage for young men.

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The drug produces an intense psychedelic high and a strong dissociative effect, leading to visual hallucinations and out-of-body experiences.

Ibogaine partially activates the serotonin 2A receptor – the main target of other psychedelics including LSD, psilocybin and DMT. But it also blocks NMDA receptors, rather like ketamine.

It has attracted the attention of scientists for its remarkable anti-addiction properties. It appears to relieve the unpleasant effects of withdrawal from alcohol or opiates, and also reduce cravings in the long term.

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A number of studies suggest that ibogaine’s anti-addiction effects may come about by increasing the production of a nerve growth factor called glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor, or GDNF.

Some opioid addicts seek ibogaine treatment at underground clinics or in countries where the drug is unregulated, such as Mexico. Research in these settings has reported that a single high dose of ibogaine successfully promotes long-term abstention from drugs in a large proportion of users. However, to date there have been no randomised controlled trials – the gold standard of evidence for medical treatments.

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Some deaths have been reported in people receiving ibogaine therapy. Ibogaine is thought to be risky for people with pre-existing medical conditions, particularly heart conditions. It can also increase the risk of death from opioid overdose if the user takes opioids after ibogaine or at the same time. Sam Wong